Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1 year old!

1 Year old! Hard to believe that we've been blessed to have this little boy in our lives for a year! He was definitely worth the wait. I want to update or change this blog and get back to writing. But I need a new blog title...any suggestions?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An update and new address....

Well, for anyone who knows us personally, you know what we have been busy with the last month....Our son Russell Cameron Carmichael entered this world weighing 6.08 pounds and measuring 21 inches. He had a rough start due to some medicines during his birthmom's labor, so after an emergency C-section he had to go to the NICU where he was on a ventilator for a few hours. His daddy and I got to see him around 11:30 pm that evening after the doctor told us about his condition. We were nervous and scared but knew that God had him in his hands. He had tubes and wires connected to him but from the first moment we saw him, we knew he was perfect. He gripped his daddy's finger and was fighting to get that tube out of his lungs! We felt so blessed and couldn't believe this day had finally come.
We are so excited to be on this new journey of has been a challenging, rewarding, and sleepless journey but one we wouldn't trade for the world.
I think we will continue this blog but at a different address...I will let you know where to find us!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

so much to say....

I have more I want to post and will soon...but need to pack for our annual girls trip with my "in-laws"...this will be the last "get away" before baby boy arrives!

Finishing up the nursery

We've finished with painting the trim and the crib is up, we are anxiously awaiting our baby boy. We've been blessed with family and friends who have showered us with all things baby. Truly we have the best family and friends...we couldn't ask for more. The support we have received, the prayers, love and gifts are more than I can comprehend sometimes. So, THANK YOU! I'll post more with pictures soon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Definition of Family...ever changing

I haven't updated this blog in a while...we've been busy getting things ready, working on the house and the nursery. We've traveled again to see "C" October 30th. We got down there again in time to take her to a movie, do a little shopping and go out to dinner. She was expecting her dad to come visit her the next day which was his birthday. She really wanted to buy him a birthday present and had saved a little bit of her money. We helped her buy him some cologne and a card. She really wanted for him to visit but he did not show up. After talking with her later, she said she wasn't surprised, but had hoped he would've come. I know she was disappointed. I think this is one thing she wants differently for "our" son. It was a good visit, but emotional. At dinner, she became teary-eyed and just said, "this is really hard". We didn't know what else to say other than, we know and we're here for you.
Truth is, we don't know. We don't know what it is like to consider giving up a baby, We don't know what it is like to have virtually no family support. It is difficult for us in a different way. The waiting has been difficult. The anxiety and nervousness, wondering would she change her mind, will we be good parents, the overwhelming feeling of "are we ready?", etc, etc...Adoption is hard, it is painful at times, but in the end this experience has brought together two families who share the love for one little baby boy. We love "C" like she is family, because she is.

Monday, October 4, 2010

About 9 weeks and counting...

So hard to believe it is already October...We went to visit C yesterday, October 3rd. Exactly 2 months until her due date. We didn't get as early of a start as we hoped, but got to Greenville about 2:00 and headed to the movie theater. She said it had been a long time since she had actually been to the movies...we went with her choice which ended up being a scary movie. I don't usually watch scary movies anymore, so I spent a good part of it with my hand over my eyes. Then we were all hungry and ready to eat so we headed to Ruby Tuesdays. Love, love their salad bar. Anyway..there was a little bit of an awkward silence seems like the first part of the visit is just us getting comfortable with each other again. She has some tough decisions ahead of her, like what to do and where to go once the baby is born. She definitely wants to go back and further her college education. One thing she said today (and has said before) that really gets me is talking about God's timing. She was actually homeless, her mother kicked her out and she was in a homeless shelter and at that point was connected to our attorney. They picked her up that weekend and brought her to Greenville. She said, "God was right was a blessing...for me and for y'all"
We just continue to pray for C, baby boy, and their health as these last weeks wind down.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The painting is complete...thanks honey!

Even though the blue was pretty dark, it was going to definitely require 2 coats to cover up the lime green....Walter to the turned out nice...still need to paint the trim.